Tactical Logistics Solutions

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Overview of Tactical Logistics Solutions
Tactical Logistics Solutions is an end-to-end logistics solution for retailers and eCommerce clients with a niche for solving logistic headaches for AmazonFBA sellers (we were once sellers ourselves). This means we provide services for every step of the supply chain: freight forwarding, customs clearance, drayage, 3PL warehousing, and speedy trucking into Amazon.
About Tactical Logistics Solutions
At Tactical Logistics Solutions, weโ€™ve been where you are so we donโ€™t see your shipment as a box. We see it as the result of your hard work and your investment. We see every package as a meaningful part of your business and your livelihood. So, we treat every box as if it were our own, committed to transporting it on time, storing it safely, and keeping it in great shape.
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