Jim Cockrum Coaching

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Overview of Jim Cockrum Coaching
Having a proactive one-on-one coach will help you learn how to sell on Amazon/eBay & the Internet the right way the first time by eliminating costly trial and error methods that lead to costly mistakes. Thatโ€™s what causes most newbies (and even some advanced sellers too) to throw in the towel on their online business. The consultants, coaches, and the rest of our technical staff including myself will be personally training you on what your business needs so all you have to do is follow instructions and take action.
About Jim Cockrum Coaching
Since the late โ€˜90s, Jim Cockrum has helped online entrepreneurs thrive by combining classic business truths with cutting-edge creative online strategies. They now boast over 1,000 documented success stories from entrepreneurs and businesses around the world.
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