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  • wholesale_fba


... wholesale_fba

Incredibly cheap for the value it provides

All ASIN data can be exported

Extension loads slowly on some ASIN's


Really helpful for wholesale sellers who need an at a glance visual of key metrics for ASIN’s. Specifically, the offers tab (check competitors stock levels and pricing) and showcasing when the last time you/someone else on your team looked at an item is very helpful

... wholesale_fba

Absolute Neccesity for Amazon Sellers

Data Driven Keyword/Sales Estimations

Value has gone down over time as more people use it


Both the tool and chrome extension should be 100% required no matter what amazon business you’re running. Because of the ubiquity of the tool, it’s no longer a huge source of alpha but it’s sales estimations & keyword traffic breakdowns are the only way to make informed data driven decisions about products

... wholesale_fba

Fantastic for Inventory, high level of lock in

Inventory Tracking

Pricing scales with your order volume


SoStocked provides a great way to track inventory for Amazon but doesn’t support other marketplaces or channels which is a fairly large downside. They also require you to reconcile every shipment against a purchase order/work order that you have to load into the system.

Overall, we’ve found it to be useful (if somewhat expensive as the pricing scales based on order volume).